2013年11月7日 星期四

To run OpenNI Simple Viewer wth Kinect in BeagleBone Black Android

 1. Build OpenNI
git clone git://github.com/OpenNI/OpenNI
git checkout -b Unstable-
 checkout to tag, only this tag works for me
cd Platform/Android/jni
 You have to define your NDK_ROOT of course. I use NDK r7

 If you encountered cpu_set_t can not be recognized in  NiSkeletonBenchmark.cpp, simply ignore this behaviour

     //we want out benchmark application will be running only on one CPU core
     cpu_set_t mask;

 2. Build SensorKinect 
export NDK_MODULE_PATH=/path/to/openni/Platform/Android/jni
git clone git://github.com/avin2/SensorKinect.git
git checkout -b unstable origin/unstable
cd Platform/Android/jni

 3. Upload your libraries and binary to Android
    Now we have to upload the libraries located in Platform/Android/libs/armeabi-v7a/*.so to android /system/libs. We have to upload OpenNI libraries first and then SensorKinect since some libraries should be replaced according to the HW.

i.e. Kinect in this case.
    Please remember to upload the Sample-SimpleRead binary to /system/bin/

 4. Mount USBFS to grant USB device permission
   mount -o devmode=0666 -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb

 5. Push xmls to /Data/ni
     adb push SamplesConfig.xml /Data/ni
      adb push modules /Data/ni
      adb push GlobalDefaultskinect.ini /Data/ni
      adb push License.xml /Data/ni

6. Run Sample-Read under /Data/ni
    You should be able to see the middle point and frame rate

#Trouble shooting
    USB open fail => sudo rmmod  gpsca_kinect
