0. replace strings for all files in a folder
find ./ | xargs grep -l "$STRING_TO_BE_REPLACED" | xargs sed -i -e "s/$STRING_TO_BE_REPLACED/$STRING_TO_REPLACE/g"
0. find files and then grep som key word
find ./ -iname '$FILE_NAMES*' | xargs grep $SEARCH_KEY_WORDS
0. find files and then remove
find ./ -iname '$FILE_NAMES*' | xargs rm -rf
0. find and push multiple files from adb
find ./ -iname *.ko | xargs -t -i adb push {} /system/lib/modules/
0. Search multiple words in VIM
/\(kernel\|panic\); you will search both kernel and panic at the same time
0. Copy and rename multiple filse
for i in `find ./ -iname "*file_name*"`; do cp $i `echo $i | sed "s/$STRING_TO_BE_REPLACED/$STRING_TO_REPLACE/g"`; done